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Deer Butt Close Up. As Seen Through A Window Screen.

December 17, 2008

A few days ago our greyhound, Gracie, thought there were dogs, real big ones, in the yard: crossing the patio, browsing in the garden, hanging out near the front door, everywhere. They did look a little like her – at least the ones back east do with their slender light brown bodies and white tips to their tails – just like her. My youngest son always talks about buying some antlers to put on her head, she’s such a “deer.”

So these three real deer – mama and her two youngsters – descended on our small yard for a nibble in the messy, past its prime, last season’s vegetable garden. N wanted to chase them away but I prevailed, the plantings were left-overs from the previous renters, and badly in need of attention. But not until next spring as far as I was concerned, so let them partake; they looked a little on the scruffy side too. 

They hung around for a while and kept Gracie running from one window to another, her curiosity more than piqued. They didn’t over-stay their welcome though, only munching a little here and a little there and before we knew it they were gone. 

The weather has turned unseasonably cold, so I have a feeling that threesome will return sometime soon to continue their yard clean-up. Very slowly.

One Comment leave one →
  1. December 19, 2008 10:08 pm

    Just wait until spring. That garden is really beautiful then!

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